DMCA Policy

DMCA Notice

If you believe that any material on our site infringes on your copyright, please notify us at: [email protected].

We will review your notice and respond within one to two days.

Before You Proceed

  • Increased Visibility: Publishing your app on Apkprofessor enhances its visibility and popularity among our rapidly growing and dedicated user base.
  • Comprehensive Presentation: Apkprofessor serves as a detailed repository where we showcase your app or game with unique descriptions, original artwork, and videos.
  • Original Files: All apps listed on our site are original files sourced directly from the Play Store, with no modifications.
  • Data Integrity: We use various methods to ensure the security, consistency, and authenticity of app data, including certificate, signature, and checksum verification.

We invite you to partner with us to elevate the visibility and success of your apps and games.